Tuesday, December 06, 2011

I teared while walking around the park in circles today, not due to (specific) issues, but because remembering hurts. I like cyclicity. I like that sense of familiarity which allows your mind to be in a place of its own, because you don't have to waste energy registering new images. I wrote a letter to four people in my head, though I don't know if I'll be able to remember everything or even end up writing them. My feelings are more accessible now.

The discovery of her hiding place has transformed me.
The words in my mind seem more beautiful. I'll stop here. I'm not even writing anything proper. These words make me puke.

Who are we to each other, I don't know anymore. We can't stay on this spot, we either move towards or away from each other. We don't trust each other, we don't listen to each other. Nothing about each other is important. Nothing is important. Make a decision now, to close the gap or to eliminate interaction, it hurts to see things wither away.

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